QVC Booking appointment issue

Sir when I tried to book an appointment with QVC after providing a passport and visa details and captcha.I click submit then it displays a message showing (SOME EXCEPTION OCCURRED PLEASE CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR ) PLEASE ADVICE HOW TO PROCEED FURTHER

Wait for a day and try again
Please make sure use updated explorer like Firefox or google chrome.

rightroot2021 wrote:

Sir when I tried to book an appointment with QVC after providing a passport and visa details and captcha.I click submit then it displays a message showing (SOME EXCEPTION OCCURRED PLEASE CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR ) PLEASE ADVICE HOW TO PROCEED FURTHER


Hi how did you solve the issue . I'm facing the same problem .

Appreciate your help
I'm still waiting for Visa. Still not solved.

@myvis2022 I am also facing this problem. Please guide me. Thank you.

@rightroot2021 its a technical error
try trying through different browser

Sir when I tried to book an appointment with QVC after providing a passport and visa details and captcha.I click submit then it displays a message showing (SOME EXCEPTION OCCURRED PLEASE CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR ) PLEASE ADVICE HOW TO PROCEED FURTHER

Hi do you still facing that problem?
Kindly contact the QVC they are right person who can validate your information.

@Heindryna Caoile yes.

@Wilson ok. Thanks


@Farid Afridi


Kindly avoid writing in capital letters on the forum, please.

Thank you,

Cheryl team

when I tried to book an appointment with QVC after providing a passport and visa details and captcha.I click submit then it displays a message showing (SOME EXCEPTION OCCURRED PLEASE CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR ) PLEASE ADVICE HOW TO PROCEED FURTHER

@rightroot2021 you have to pay contract fee from metrash first 497 qr

We can't get any date...

Possible some extra allotments because to many people waiting for appointment date

However in Bangladesh only 1 Qvc center open

But to many applicants waiting for date

You can opt for premium service if available in QVC Center but no sure if this will cut the waiting time for appointment slots,   usually this service are admen to get quick and fast track medical report and to avoid queue waiting time.

We can't get any date...
Possible some extra allotments because to many people waiting for appointment date
However in Bangladesh only 1 Qvc center open
But to many applicants waiting for date

Hi how did you solve the issue. I'm facing the same problem

qvc some exception occurred please contact administrator

Appreciate your help

@engrwuk  please send me your WhatsApp number


My what's up number is:


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Qatar visa name change and how long will take.QVC is not accepting medical test due to name spelling issue

How many days it takes for qatar visa to correct mistakes in visa name. QVC is denying the medical test due to a name issue.

I have done qvc 3 month almost my visa number will expire on this 18 but still authority pending what is the main problem why they never work on my qvc if I have problem they have to summit some reason but still don't know what happened

Sir when I tried to book an appointment with QVC after providing a passport and visa details and captcha.I click submit then it displays a message showing (SOME EXCEPTION OCCURRED PLEASE CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR ) PLEASE ADVICE HOW TO PROCEED FURTHER


did you find a solution, I am facing this issue and yet not tesolved for a month now