Marriage laws

i met a single Cambodian women who is 49 and i am close to 70, i am us citizen , what rules apply to us for marriage? thanks for your inputs!

You cannot marry a Cambodian National if you are over 50 years of age under Cambodian law.  It's generally a Buddhist ceremony that is not recognised in most other counties anyway, so you may want to speak to Catholic Churches to see if they can help. If not you can probably look to Mary in Thailand. Hope this helps.

The rules on age for marring a Cambodian woman have changed over 2 years ago, you can now marry a Cambodian Femail if you are over 50 you must still have a certain income, and you must Register it at the ministry to be legal, there are still many hoops to jump through, if you marry outside of Cambodia they will not accept it in Cambodia, you can talk to your USA embassy in Phnom Penh who will give you the rules for you to marry, one note whatever you each put into marriage after the marriage is deemed 50% or less Inca divorce and you will be the loser, seek advice from a lawyer,

Live in blissful sin !  :kiss::kiss::top:

You can have a marriage party, with all the dancing, singing, eating and drinking. Probably get monks to give a blessing for a small donation. It won't be legally binding and won't help with buying property etc but you'll be 'happy married' as far as your bride and all the family are concerned. Enjoy your remaining years!

here here !

Marriage is overrated enjoy each other live a great life much more important than a document !

Well it's true that documents don't matter unless you want it legal when you marry or alas if you divorce, it's really a joint couple decision and families you can have a party ECT but as one person said it's not legal, and a piece of paper doesn't keep you together, it's how you look after each other in good and bad times, but for respect to families of cambodian point of view have a party with families monks, but if you both want it legal then you will have to follow the correct time and money consuming path, your choice,

Michael Ring wrote:

You cannot marry a Cambodian National if you are over 50 years of age under Cambodian law.  It's generally a Buddhist ceremony that is not recognised in most other counties anyway, so you may want to speak to Catholic Churches to see if they can help. If not you can probably look to Mary in Thailand. Hope this helps.

this helps..thanks!

You mention in your post that the silly over 50, no marriage rule has been rescinded. Can you point me to an official Khmer government sourse where I can confirm this. I have seen a document that states this change and it looks very official but I have been unable to confirm if it is in fact real or not. Your help with this would be appreciated.


As the marriage age limit was not a law but more a guideline there is no prakas about the nullification of the age limit.
There might be the one or the other document but I haven't seen one.

As has been said there is the village marriage, with or without monks, photographer, costumes.
It's highly appreciated in village societies as the people have been married, whether or not official.



@gulshan555 The government is trying to throw you a bone by banning marriage to foreigners over 50. There are rules that you have to ask yourself why? The Cambodian government LOVES ex-pats to come over they just know these marriages get messy when they inevitably go to shit. Take the hint. They know their women better than you.


Have you not noticed?

NO ban on marriage by foreign men over 50!

