Members online?

I notice that I'm the only member online at the moment, and this has been the case since I joined last week.  Where are all the members?  Is this forum not helpful/useful anymore?

This section of the forum has a limited number of members who are not always active.
To find members, go to "Community" at the top of this page and click on "members".

Scroll through those members and send them a friends request by clicking on the appropriate avatar there. It is always best to send a request and not a message as people will often not answer a message from a complete stranger.

stumpy wrote:

This section of the forum has a limited number of members who are not always active.
To find members, go to "Community" at the top of this page and click on "members".

Scroll through those members and send them a friends request by clicking on the appropriate avatar there. It is always best to send a request and not a message as people will often not answer a message from a complete stranger.

Thank you.  I joined because I needed some relevant information, but wondered about the lack of activity.  Much appreciated.