Medication in Jordan

Good morning everyone,

Whether it's a simple cold or a chronic illness, medication and medicine use vary from country to country and culture to culture.

When you are used to certain brands or types of drugs, being in a country like Jordan with different rules can affect your daily well-being.

Some drugs also differ in name, price, dosage, active molecule, so we would like to hear your opinion on these issues:

Have you ever had difficulties finding familiar or useful medicines for your health in your host country?

Have you ever been faced with a shortage of medicines in Jordan?

Would you have said that in Jordan drugs are more or less expensive than in your home country? Do you find them more or less effective or of similar quality?

What is the place of alternative medicines in your host country? Have you ever used them?

Thank you in advance for your feedback,


I had cold, cough, so I have been to the hospital!! This hospital was dirty "Typical Jordanian organization"!! The medicines were expensive.
Also, I have been to a hospital for dental treatment, but the staff have given me incorrect and incomplete information, also, they were RUDE!! Finally, no one helped me, so it was frustration!! Now, I know why the Jordanians leave forever!!

Next time if need medical help call me on this number ***
Dr. Munib Motasem GP.

Moderated by Christine 4 years ago
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Compared to the US, medical, dental, and medicine is so, so much cheaper.  I had eye drops that cost me $149 in the US for the generic, cost me 4JD in Jordan for the name brand.  A regular doctor visit in the US is over $200 and cost me 20JD in Jordan.  But, to me the cleanliness standards are lower depending on where you go and I would stay away from the hospitals personally, but I have only been to a few so maybe there are some that are better.

My family member had dental implants done for a fraction of the price they would be in the US and the dental office that did them was clean, modern and professional.  But there was one time at a different dentist who held the used, bloody instruments over a candle for a few seconds to "clean" them because the autoclave was broken.

I have been to numerous doctors, hospitals and clinics in Jordan for numerous reasons for both myself and others in both Madaba and Amman. I have been really impressed with the standard and service of delivery and the hygiene standards. They are maybe different from Australia but for a developing country the overall standard is exceptional.

Hello, I am preparing to move to Jordan. Perhaps someone can tell me: is Tonormiх sold there? This natural remedy for hypertension helps me a lot. You can buy it here in Saudi Arabia, but I don't know how to get it in Jordan. I don't want to take it with me if I can buy it locally.

    Hello, I am preparing to move to Jordan. Perhaps someone can tell me: is Tonormiх sold there? This natural remedy for hypertension helps me a lot. You can buy it here in Saudi Arabia, but I don't know how to get it in Jordan. I don't want to take it with me if I can buy it locally.


My advice is to bring it with you to help you through the first weeks/months.

You have then enough time to search for it.


its not available in Jordan

I checked it is not available but you can find equivalent without the purple corn ingridient

    I checked it is not available but you can find equivalent without the purple corn ingridient

    -@Basil Q

Thanks for checking, at least she knows she can get the equivalent version.