Live in Croatia?

Hi everyone. My name is Wayne Campbell. Me and my wife are looking live and work in Croatia. We would like to get into contact with someone that is living there and that would be able to tell us more about live in Croatia. Cost of living, how are the people, cost of housing, jobs and so on.

Hi ,sir my name is Ankit choudhary from India. I am interested in work over there in Croatia. I like people an culture in Cerotia. My Qualifications is graduation University of Delhi. I confident an honest person. My professiona work is driving. I have six years experience. So my dream is work over there. Please help how can apply work permit for Croatia. My email ****

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For those seeking work please check out the jobs section top of this page. You can place your CV there too.
Check out the Croatia Guide located under Discover at the top of this page.