How to go about looking for an apartment in Can Tho?

I've been in Can Tho for 5 days now, not had any luck finding an apartment. Looked in There's only a handful of ad's on here (for can tho). Phoned the owners', the apartments are already gone.

Had a look on facebook, contacted owners. Searched Internet, came across the website. Visited their branch in Can Tho. The staff there searched. There's only one apartment which is available from next week. All the other ones they found come without furniture.

I met a local, who's driven me to various places. But they've mostly been homestay type setups. (I'm looking for apartment with a kitchen inside) The only Apartment block building in Can tho (which has apartments with kitchen inside) seems to be a building called Tây Nguyên Plaza. Really don't feel like renting there. Building has maintenance issues. Lift/lighting out of order, not the cleanest of places etc.

If anyone is aware how/where to look for apartments (other than what i've done above), can you please post your ideas.

When I stayed in Vung Tau, managed to find a place within a couple of days. Can tho is proving to be a much more of an arduous task.

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Have you found since August?
Indeed, avoid  Tây Nguyên Plaza, I visited too and it's a dangerous and expensive old building.

GuestPoster14563 wrote:

Have you found since August?
Indeed, avoid  Tây Nguyên Plaza, I visited too and it's a dangerous and expensive old building.

Only found a homestay, where I stayed for a month. Then left Can tho. The accommodation was definitely a factor. Also it did rain quite a bit when I was there. Maybe it was the season.

Apart from that, place seemed nice. Ppl were friendly, even in the city itself. It's modern with cinema complexes, offices, shopping etc. (somewhat similar to Da Nang). Never had the chance to venture outside the city, which was a shame.

The place I stayed was a three-storey building converted for homestay. Each floor had a room. My room was in the middle floor and had a kitchen and bathroom, which were separate from the room. Each time I wanted to use the kitchen I had to walk through a corridor.

The other floors didn't have a kitchen, nor was there any restaurants nearby. I reckon the guests would have dined out or bought take out in to their rooms from the city (which was about 5 km away).

Anyone looking for apartment (with kitchen and bathroom all together), best to pre-arrange viewings then visit Can Tho for maybe a couple of days to see them, then commit to moving there.


is there anyone to give me an advice about buying an apartment in Can Tho?


is there anyone to give me an advice about buying an apartment in Can Tho?

Hello pavelstepanekcze, and welcome to the forum.

Could you expand on your question, please? What sort of advice are you seeking?

You might consider opening a new topic for discussion, here , if your questions are not specific to Can Tho (e.g. Vietnam property rights, visa entitlement, private ownership etc.).


There may be information here which will be useful to you.