Hi guys ,

I am Leo from Germany . Maybe you can help me by giving me useful suggestions .

In the next 6 months I consider to move to Dubai as I really like the country and the city . I already have been there before many times. So I have made  decision to move there soon .  In order to get the residence visa and a new job I know that I must do  a medical examination. The problem I have is , that I am HIV+ but since years undetectable viral load , which means I CAN NOT transmit the virus !!!! My question is : are there any chance for me to pass successfully through the medical tests despite the fact I am HIV + ?Can the blood test proof my virus although I am undetectable ?Or are there any other "options " which can help me to get successfully through the medical tests .
I really appriciate your help and looking forward to hearing from you .

its not an ordinary disease. it will not possible for you to enter in UAE with this disease. you should get rid from this disease.

as I told my virus load is undetectable , which means the dieses can´t be transmit anymore . However, I am wondering if there are some " sneaky " ways to pass through the medical check .


Thx for your kindly answer .Send me please the contact who might help me to with the HIV test in Dubai ....

1) As HIV+, forget about working in the GCC
2) They don't measure viral load and only do antibody test.  Even if your viral load is undetectable, the antibody test will be positive ALWAYS.  And with a positive antibody, they will do a confirmation via western blot which will be positive again
3) As I have already said, try and understand that they test for HIV infection.  They do NOT care about viral load - only whether you have been infected or not.  So based on 2 above, you have zero chance of getting a visa or passing the medical irrespective of viral load
4) Don't believe anything as far as "contacts" and medical is concerned.  These only help if there is an ambiguity in the test i.e. chest x-ray showing scar but person has never had TB and can prove it with confirmatory tests.  This doesn't apply to you as there is NO DOUBT in your case
5) Sneaky ways?  what you are speaking about is ILLEGAL in the GCC and you want advise to break the law and expose other people to risk due to your condition?  seriously?

Mods, please close thread.
