Want to do some volunteer work during the days

Hello everyone
Im coming to Ho Chi Minh in January for 3 months and want to do some volunteer work or something like this during the days.  Can you give me some ideas and suggestions please.
Thanks :)

there are many organizations you can do by submit your CV (some NGO like Unicef or local NGOs. The easier way is contact directly to them so you can do voluntary in safely way.
Other case, u can attend with group on expat and do unofficially way - you can come to Chua La pagoda (where I used to do for gardening/taking care of orphaned chidlren) and or/other projects... just note that, goverment might not allow you to do..voluntary work unofficially.
So, based on your skills/professionals background, there are many things you can do, and you can find the best organizations and/or group to work with.

Hi there.  Thanks for your response.  I will do so research into the suggestions you have given me  :)


i'm Tam

i'll help you if you need.

send me when you come :*

Moderated by Christine 7 years ago
Reason : please share your contact details privately. Thank you
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Thanks for your kind intention. How about you teaching English to us of about 5 or 6 people? And we will donate some money to help the disabled and the unlucky in Vietnam. Thanks again and best wishes!

Hi there.  Thank you for your reply. U like your idea.  We can talk more about it. I  arrive in  Ho Chi Minh City in January :)

Hi. I will get in contact with you closer to January.  Thank you for your reply  :)

Oops. I like your idea

You're welcomed to Vietnam. I hope you will enjoy ur time here. Best wishes!

Thank you.  I have been to Vietnam a few times and I look forward very much to returning  :)

I am english teacher and i open volunteer project in viet nam for volunteer around the world.
We provice free room to stay, and free food while you been in MEKONG DELTA.
Please contact me: lethiduyen93@gmail.com

@le thi duyen > please post your offer in the Saigon jobs > volunteering section. Thank you.

Hi i have a contact number and address
His name is Duyen. He is team leader for a project in vietnam. He lives ib HCMC. 0901425846
Hope this helps
Regards ernie

Thanks Ernie. Will give him a call

@le thi duyen    Hihi, you had a volunteer but threw his friendship away , he was so disappointed!!

@le thi duyen  Hihi, you had a volunteer but threw his friendship away , he was so disappointed!!

Holy Necropost!  What brought that one on six years later? LOL

Hello MarkinNam,

It's been 5 years since le thi duyen last used his account...

I doubt that he will see your message.


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