Urgent moroccan indian married couples search

Hi everyone plz im searching for some moroccan women with indian husbands in india its urgent for some infos and thank u to help me out.

You could try to ask your questions on the forum.
It might save all that searching.

well thats my searching hhh its to know some interracial couples indian - morocco

Hi maybe my answer is late for u but i think i can help i m moroccan married to indian husband with europien nationality we living in india

sure ask me , I will be glad to help...

Hey I'm an Indian married to a Moroccan and we live in Bombay India.

I would like to contact you on whatsapp so as to gather more info. As I also reside in Mumbai.

I'm out of country but will be available post 9th of September ***

Moderated by kenjee 7 years ago
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Salam alaikum
I'm also planning to marry and Indian and   settle in Mumbai india..I'm moroccan girl
Can u tell us about your experience sister?

Ok proceed

Moderated by Priscilla 7 years ago
Reason : please post in english only on this english speaking forum

Assalamalaikum i need some info about process of mixed marriage in Morocco

I need some info on. Mixed marriage. Check your personal inbox


Please advise me the formalities to be done for the same., to live with a moroccon girl in india

Thank you


Please advise me on your experience by marrying a moroccan girl, even me too on love with a moroccan girl.

What are the steps or formalities to be done for marrying process or living in india with her.

Thank you

Salam sister i am a Indian guy living Maghreb for seven years. I was married and just recently divorced my first wife. Now I am planning to get married again and take my Moroccan wife to India with me. Could you please tell me what papers required for me as well as for my wife to visit India and stay there for a few years. Is it complicated or a easy process after marriage and second thing I want to know is that i have my cart sejour on my first wife's address but it is valid until 2022 so after divorce it will stay valid or not bcoz here in Maghreb many man many minds. Some says it will be valid till 2022 and some says you need to change just address and ultimately i went to big commissoriat in massira to clear my confusion so chef said that you will have to apply for a new one after divorce and for that you need to submit all required papers from beginning or else you will go to habs jail but I said sir I will remarry and rent a home here on contract but I don't have a company to show my work. Sister i have work but within maroc at a small scale that's why I can't show work. That's why i thought i get married again and take my wife to India with me. Please sister i need your kind advise. ***. Mohd Zaki.

Moderated by Bhavna 5 years ago
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Aslamoalikum wrb
How are you?
I wanna get marriage with Morrocan girl in India actually we want we are in Love.
Can you help me out please about what is procedure?

Hi everyone plz im searching for some moroccan indian man couple in india its urgent for some infos and thank u to help me out.

I need some information can you please call me ***

Moderated by Bhavna 4 years ago
Reason : Contact details should not be posted on the open forum but rather exchanged through the website's private messaging system. Click on the member's photo > Send a message. Thank you
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That's cute 😊

@Vasif syed Hi Vasif. I wanted some information on this topic. I also reside in Mumbai. Can we connect? Drop your email if possible il msg you.



You might not receive a reply from Vasif Syed, as his last visit to the forum was 6 years ago.

I suggest starting a new thread on the India forum to ask your questions.



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