Candid travel photography

Hi everybody,
I join this interesting blog just today. As a photographer living in Paris, I am preparing a photo trip in Cambodia for next October, after a great photo trip made last February in California. I would be glad to share any information with everybody on photography and travels. Are there many expats interested in photography on this blog? Thanks.
All the best from France,

I understand there are a few around the world.
I play a little, but I'm not very good. … 573#527221

Many thanks Fred for your kind prompt reply from Indonesia! Your shot is not that bad, congrats.
Since long I am totally committed to a photo book project on the Vietnamese people living inside and outside Vietnam. I presume few expats are professional photographers or photojournalists. Take care, Trang

I don't recall one on the Cambodia forum, but perhaps you could post a thread there.
You might very well flush out a photographer in that section.
I love the sound of your project, and hope it works out well for you.

Many thanks again Fred. I posted yesterday a thread there for finding an experienced guide for a photo trip and best places to visit for meeting Vietnamese Cambodians. All the very best!
Book project (

Some very nice shots there.

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