Nepaleses language study in Nepal

Please I seek information on how to get enrolloed in a cheap but quality language school in Nepal. Am a Nigerian living in Ghana and I hope to get down to Nepal soon but I want to start with learning the language and culture. Thanks for advice.

Hello victhompsons and welcome to

I invite you to drop in an advert in our section : Language classes in Nepal

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Kenjee Team

Hi Friend,
If you would like to study nepalese language, i can manage family home where you can learn, speak nepali. school is no good.

please email me


Dambar wrote:

Hi Friend,
If you would like to study nepalese language, i can manage family home where you can learn, speak nepali. school is no good.

please email me


You would need to get a student visa, info on the immigration/tourism website. Bisa Basa Campus is the language institute for the university in Nepal. If you do not go to class or do not pass the class you can have problems with another visa to continue your stay. They don't want people pretending to be students just to stay here.

The language is extremely hard for many people to learn. They use the same alphabet and script as Hindi, with a few possible exceptions, like they added a few Tibetan letters, I think. Anyway it's a monster to learn and the Nepali are very unforgiving when you try to speak it. One guy at the grocery shop near my home couldn't understand me when I tried to say dal bhat, the rice and lintel dish they eat daily. I said 'dol bhat' instead of dal bhat.

Go to ITC near to Himalayan Java and Garden of dreams. Classes are 400-500 rupees an hour. Parbati is a great teacher. I studied two hours daily 5-6 days a week for the beginners 60 hour course and feel comfortable having conversation in Nepali. I didn't want to learn the script because its not totally necessary, and learned with Roman lettering. Nepalis loved when I would speak to them! Yeah they might not always understand my American accent but they had fun with me. You must practice everywhere to learn any new language. Nepali use a lot of slang, which was confusing sometimes. Once you get to Nepal you can easily find language books as well. Going to a big school you have to learn script, take exams, get a student visa, and they dont give you individual attention, plus it's really expensive. With ITC it is at your pace and you can easily ask questions and get answers. When I return I will 100% go back.

Tapaailai mooj garnuhuncha!

Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
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victhompsons wrote:

Please I seek information on how to get enrolloed in a cheap but quality language school in Nepal. Am a Nigerian living in Ghana and I hope to get down to Nepal soon but I want to start with learning the language and culture. Thanks for advice.

hello friend,
there is an institute in thamel.i am giving you the address
Kathmandu Institute of Nepali Language
Bhagawan Bahal, Thamel, kathmandu, Nepal

Phone : +977-1-4437454 (Office)
Mobile No.: +977 - 9841698631

Website :
Contact Person : Sudha & Munna Rai
i think it may help u more..or u can search language classes of nepal in google too

    Hi Friend,If you would like to study nepalese language, i can manage family home where you can learn, speak nepali. school is no good.please email me***ThanksDambar        -@Dambar



Please note that you are responding to an old thread.

I suggest that you post an advert in the Language classes in Nepal section.

All the best


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