Tennis clubs in Budapest

Hi- I am a single American woman thinking of moving to Budapest and would like to know if there are good indoor tennis facilities and where they are located. Would appreciate any help.

There's plenty: … ccd08dd58c

It's a popular sport among those who want to appear wealthy and well connected. Golf didn't quite catch on, and sailing is seasonal and confined to the lake Balaton.


if you want to play with a certified, young but experienced coach
don`t hesitate and get in touch :

all the best,



Did you move and did you find the right tennis club?


I would like to play tennis this summer in Budapest July, anyone who is interested?

Hi Charles, how are you ?

I am a Brazilian and are living here in Budapest, in Pest side.

I also am looking for a tennis partner to play here in Budapest during this summer.

I know some places and clubs we could try to play here in Budapest.

My e-mail is:

If you have interest in play tennis pls contact me. tks!

Carlos Edu

Hello Carlos Edu.

Please note that this is an old thread.

You may start a new topic on the Budapest Forum.


Karen :)