Job in Cameroon

Hi Dear,

I need some information regarding job there in Cameroon. My brother in Law has got an offer for the vacant post in Cameroon. He is Elec. Engineer. He want to know about the security situation there and secondly he is getting offer of 85 US$ per hour and 40 Hours a week.

Can you please confirm about the salary scale there in Cameroon. By the way he has got this offer from one of U.K's Company. They want him to work on there project in Cameroon. I would request you to please reply along your Mobile number and e-mail address.

Thanks and regards,
Syed Imran Ali.

Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : Please do not share phone numbers on the forum. You may use our private message system for that


i'm from south africa and in the process of accepting a job offer in cameroon for 75 Euros/hour.

Cell number: +27 84 746 4893


Emmanuel Padayachee

Hi was this offer from ndjinteh corp? I received a similar position and rate of pay and I want to know if iits a scam

i think the $85 per hour is good , as for security ,companies do provide their expatraits with vigilanty security guards , but the expat can also re-enforce his security with a body guard if necessary ,

as public security ,he equally need to have a cameroonian friend or another expat ,who is already aware of the enviroment. with whom he can go visiting the other towns ,or even his city of resident by night (snack,resturants,clubs and even shoping ) for a short while say one or two months as to get him acquainted with the enviroment

cameroonians are quiet wellcoming. accept my best regards

ngochia fidelis
bp12715 douala

Dear Mr.Syed Imran Ali,

Got your mail and noted the content, Please note I require more complete details to check, how can I check without the Company Name, Address, Phone Number,Etc.,there are lot of companies in Cameroon they pay good salaries for security of workers,

Thanks & Best Regards,
Dinesh Tiwari.
Cell : +918885558890.

hi i am wilfred muma,please sorry if i maybe be replying to your request this late,but i will like you call me on my mobile,because there are a alot of scams in  Cameroon,so that i will verify for you and let you know,before he comes,i am a cameroonian born in Douala,the economic capital,please call me using 

Do you perhaps know if this company exists in Cameroon My regards,

Tabikeng Corporation.
           Tel: +237 90 34 35 04
                  +44 7024 0573 30

Also my frient got a job offer from mbenten corporation is it real or scam pls reply

hello, please do verify the name of a company well. lots of scamming on this

hi  i need some advise i got this job offer from a company called mbeten corporation as an electrical technician.
they sent the interview forms and i filled them and sent bank but i have never heard from them again. does this company exist in cameroon or its a scam. thanx

[moderated: do not post your phone num on forum pls]
rgards didas

idon t think there are jobs in Cameroon I am myself hunting for some jobs in Cameroon
any news give me a call or email me[moderated: do not post your phone num on forum pls]


I need to know the name of the company first and to assist you to find out if it is true or not

I am a Cameroonian and had worked look time in UAE.


Hello dear, I am Romaric writing to you from cameroon. Actually, Cameroon is a very peaceful and welcoming to live and work in in Africa; the cost of living is quite affordable.*. you are heartily welcome.

Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : Please do not share phone numbers on the forum. You may use our private message system for that

hey, have been offer a job at this company called razel-bec construction. can you help me if its legit. ? their saying i have to book accommodation for a month before i process my work permit and visa.

bestone265 wrote:

hey, have been offer a job at this company called razel-bec construction. can you help me if its legit. ? their saying i have to book accommodation for a month before i process my work permit and visa.

bestone265 wrote:

hey, have been offer a job at this company called razel-bec construction. can you help me if its legit. ? their saying i have to book accommodation for a month before i process my work permit and visa.

Hello and welcome to

If you feel something fishy, it must be a scam. Are they asking you to send them money? ( if it's that, turn right back! It definitely is a scam! )


Hi, I have read your post and may I ask if there is a company name " The Ritz Carlton Philadelphia hotel " cause I have my job offer I'm thinking twice if I'm gonna come and is it safe there . Thanks a lot