Podiatrist looking for positions to deliver diabetic foot care

I am a podiatrist, foot and ankle physician and surgeon, with an interest in helping with the diabetic foot care problem in Cameroon. My wife and I are wanting to relocate from the USA for this reason. 
I have just begun looking for medical contacts and circumstances for this reason.   
I would appreciate the addresses and contact information for any diabetic foot clinics or doctors who might be interested in collaborating with a podiatrist for diabetic foot care. 

The whole of Cameroon is our interest but because of size Douala and Yaounde both are among our chief interests, though the village of Limbe has attracted us.

Thank you for whatever help you can forward. 

Ben the Foot Doc

That's funny. My wife left her job as a medical assistant at a podiatry clinic in Atlanta (where she was providing diabetic foot care) to come to Douala. She is amazing and would surely be an asset to your project, but she's got a full ex-pat package here and it would take a lot of money to get here away from her current job.

I would be happy to answer questions about Cameroon though, if you have any.



I am still very much focused on getting to Cameroon, but I haven't a clue how to get there.

I would be willing to work as a podiatrist in an existing medical practice if such could be arranged, but to find leads is daunting.

I have thought of making contacts through my Church- Greek Orthodox, and there are two in Douala, but I haven't been able to find an email address for them.

I have talked to the Central Hospital in Laounde and I could arranged a position there, but funding....

Any ideas, leads, or whatever....would be helpful!

Je suis français ,mais le conseil que je peux te donner c'est d'essayer de travailler à ton propre compte et pas compter sur les hôpitaux,ce serait difficile de te faire engager; ou alors de trouver des ONG qui font dans ce domaine et venir aider ces orphelins aux cameroun;sans argent tu ne peux pas les aider.
Without money you can't help those cameroonian orphans.

Kindly send your updated resume at mahimconsultancy@gmail.com
We have an opening in USA.

We are a cameroonian NGO need help for diabetic foot care problem in Cameroon meka_cm@yahoo.fr we have an opening in USA