Any basketball lover out there


anyone interested in getting involved in developing basketball in Cambodia? As a player, coach, or whatever ...

Send me a message ;)


hello Michael,
my name is juan, i am up to that. however, im still here in the philippines. we can do that in cambodia, i still can play, but im 30 already. how bout u, u still playing? can work as ur coachng staff probably. how about ur ideas.

in 2-3 months perhaps ill be there, im still saving and try become an expatriate there.

thanks for reading,


Hey Juan,

the 1st league of the country has been set up recently and I'm managing a team.
Let's meet once you are in Cambodia ;)



Sir Michael,

thanks for your message, looking forward to meet you when im there.  in my country basketball is the most loved sports, and personally loved it too...
have u been here to the Philippines sir? if the league there is done now now, you are can visit my country if you like sir, ill accompany you here, as the 38th season of the Philippine Basketball will start on the 30th of Sept., lets watch it live. they said that Philippine basketball is Physical so i want you to see that. i told you this coz maybe you come across here.

hope i can work with you sir. Id love to receive message from you anytime sir.
if i save enough money for this month sir, i will fly next month, but still worrying if i still can pass freely our immigration here, if i dont have an invitation letter, that what im worried a bout.

you know what sir, i really love to be working in a  basketball community, even the smallest basketball work, im up to sir.

good luck to you sir.
all the best,

dibs water/towel girl

Hi Samwa,

How have u been? so u love basketball too? do u the game too. if time permits ill be there in 2-3 mos. still saving, hope to meet you too when im there alrady!
have a nice day!

hope well be able to work together w/ st Michael.

Ill be in PP in a few days and wouldn't mind getting a game in, or at least to just shoot around... Any ideas where I could do this?

Hi Sir Mic,

Ill be there perhaps the last week of Sept. hope to meet you sir.

have a great day!
@samwa hope we get to see each other too., by the way i got a volunteer host already, hope that doesnt change no more.

@dval, yes if time permits lets shoot around.

take care you all guys

Hi Mic / Sanwa / Juan / Dval,

We have a basketball group here - you can find basketball games in Beeline at Chroy Changva or you can play hoops (half court) at the Olympic Stadium.

Rules here is a little strange (given in the Philippines you play whole court race to 24 or 30 or until you literally drop dead in tiredness), games are race to 4 - and then team switches.

I used to play but got into a nasty motorcycle accident recently, where a speeding car bump me from behind and didn't bother to stop - and I ended up a broken forearm and had two metals inserted.

If you guys are interested, maybe we can hook up sometime.

hi guys.. i am a massive bball fan and played since i can remember. am moving out to phnom penh to teach english.. i will be up for coaching/ playing.. anything realy as it is my passion.. give me your number.. or email me on if you wanna chat to me. anything basketball related i am definately in! peace

Hey Mike,

Number in Phnom Penh - +855.884.235.780 - once you're here in PP (Phnom Penh), give me a ring. I'll introduce you to the group.



thanks Joel and benlaird, would have been nice meeting each other. however, my place will be at Siem Reap, a little bit far from u guys, but small world right? hopefully i can visit PP sooner.

have a good day, and stay safe...

enjoy the game. be enjoying it w/ the kids for the mean time...

be blessed..

Hi michael, are these games against other competitors from other countries? If it is, I would like to join and play. If there's still a spot for me.

Hi Vincent,
The games are within the Cambodian Basketball League. The teams are made of Cambodians and foreigners. Basically the highest level in the country. There could be a spot for you. Players registration ends next week. Come to our team practice on Monday 7pm at the Beeline Arena (Chroy Changva).
Michael +855 666 99 076

ahh sorry I cannot make as I am in the middle of my exams. :( sorry!  would you be holding the same comp next in a couple of months? or next year as i will be free then.

very upset =[

The League will last till December. Maybe you can join the 2014 edition then.

Hi, I will be in Cambodia as a tourist on Nov 21-24 and thinking to play a short basketball game with the locals. Would anyone know where and how? Thanks!

At Olympic Stadium, everyday from 4pm on ;)

At Olympic Stadium morning time 6 to 8.

thanks travelmic and ely! will check my schedule. :) how much is it to play there? is it on a hourly basis?

Bonjour Michael,
Je suis français de Toulouse et serais sur Phnom Penh très bientôt dans le courant du mois de novembre.

J'ai une solide expérience de joueur à haut niveau même si j'ai un peu passé l'âge, et ai beaucoup de choses a transmettre (j'entraine dans la région toulousaine).

Serait-il possible de se rencontrer lors de mon passage afin que tu m'en dises plus sur ce que tu recherches précisément.
