User map


I've added a "user map" feature to the forum. To show us where you are, have a look in profile > personal

Good feature isn't it? :D


very cool!

That sounds good ! But I just updated my profile with longitude and latitude of where I live ... but I do not appear on the users' map :(
However on my profile, I can see the "pike" of my town in italy .... maybe there is a delay to appear in the users' map ???

see you soon

Yes you're on the map ...  the map is sometimes slow, so please be patient :)

Oh I really like that feature :):):)

Yes ... I just saw it ... the map needs the time that I took to update my profile (adding avatar and a signature ... )


Did you have a look to the zoom feature? Impressive isn't it? (Thanks Google!)

I noticed that a lot of members forgot to localize themselves on the map ... Don't forget to update your profile (in profile > personal)  :)

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