Hello all,

We are an afteschool centre in Lilongwe and we have 19 clubs for kids within the afterschool lessons.

we are looking for volunteer services of experts who can help us run the following clubs:
1)Dance 2)gymnastic 3)amazement muse(hide and seek) 4)stepping rope 5)skaters 6)Sports (tennis, table tennis, volley ball,  netball, high jump, long jump)7) science club 8) debate 9) puzzle 10) quiz 11) spelling bee 12) drama film and photography 13) me and my nature 14) writers club 15) textiles and design 16) cookery club 17) journalist club. 18) language club( German, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Swahili, french) 19) hit and dodge.

we will be able to pay you an upkeep allowance of somekind

Hi my space malawi and welcome to Expat.com!

I invite you to post an advert in the section Jobs in Malawi, it may help.;)


Hi am visiting malawi next month from India. If you need anything from India, just let me know. My email is Munish.singal@gmail.com

Hi,am willing to come volunteer with you guys with the swahili club,quiz club,puzzle club,and also work with other volunteers hand in hand with other activities.

can you manage to carry things like rice cooker or microwave?