Your experiences getting through customs with excess luggage pls

My family and I are relocation to Hanoi in August and was hoping to travel over with a couple of pieces of additional luggage which seems to be more cost effective than shipping, but wondered if there would be custom issues.

We will only be moving over our clothes, kids toys and books.

wondered if anyone on here had experience of flying with excess luggage and if it was a pretty standard and uncomplicated process on arrival?

thanks in advance for sharing


Thanks for asking this. Same question... I will have 4 suitcases and a large computer monitor...

After they get tired of a few boxes of your children's clothes they will probably pass the rest on by.   I moved to VN with three boxes of clothing and an iMac (same size as a monitor) in its original box .  However the box was fairly banged up and had previous flight stickers.   When it came out the belt of the X-ray, the employee only said "New or used."   Of course I said "Used" as he passed it to me.  If your monitor is truly brand new, you might want to tell them and pay the price,