Our new Dominican Republic Guide is up!

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing well and are either comfortably settled in your new home in the Dominican Republic or finding all the help you need in order to get your expatriation project rolling smoothly.

Here at Expat.com, we are always trying to find new ways to be closer to our community and to help you out. This is why our editorial team has just delivered our newest baby: the Dominican Republic guide!

The Dominican Republic guide is packed with information about this amazing and innovative country. From where the safest neighborhoods are to the leisure scene or the Dominican job market, you will find everything you need to know about settling down in the Dominican Republic in our new guide!

Below are the main topics we address in this guide:

General information about the Dominican Republic

Formalities in the Dominican Republic

Visas in the Dominican Republic

Work in the Dominican Republic

Accommodation in the Dominican Republic

Study in the Dominican Republic

Banking in the Dominican Republic

Tax in the Dominican Republic

Healthcare in the Dominican Republic

Driver's license in the Dominican Republic

Communication in the Dominican Republic

Leisure in the Dominican Republic

Transportation in the Dominican Republic

Moving to the Dominican Republic

And more.

Do not hesitate to send me a private message should you have any thoughts, suggestions, or feedback on our Dominican Republic guide!

Warm regards,


Expat.com Editorial Team

What a fantastic resource! Thank you!