German Blue Card Holder Moving to Austria - Wife's Visa Situation?

Hey everyone!

I'm in a bit of a situation here and could really use some advice from those who've been through this process.

I'm currently holding a German Blue Card, and my wife is with me in Germany on a dependent permit. We're both from India originally. Now, I've landed a job in Austria, and we're planning to move there soon.

The company will be sponsoring my Austrian Blue Card application, but I need to handle my wife's permit on my own. I'm wondering if there's a way for her to apply for the Red-White-Red Card Plus (family reunification permit) together with my application, or if we have to do it separately.

Another option I'm considering is for her to come with me to Austria initially on her German residence permit (since we can stay up to 90 days with the Blue Card), and then apply for the Red-White-Red Plus from within Austria.

My employer will be submitting my visa application directly from Austria, so I won't be visiting there beforehand. I'm trying to avoid having to go back to India just for the visa application process if possible.

Do any of you have experience with this? Can my wife apply for her Austrian permit from Germany itself, or does she need to go back to India and apply for a D-Visa first before coming to Austria?

I'd really appreciate any insights or advice you guys can share! Let me know if you need any other details from my end.

Thanks a ton in advance!