Salary advice/negotiation tips for university academic position

I'm a UK-based public health professional with a PhD, medical degree, and over 20 years of experience in university-level teaching and global health research. I'm currently in job offer negotiations for an Associate Professor position at a UAE university. Unlike the UK, UAE institutions often don't disclose salary ranges, leaving the negotiation onus on the candidate.

To ensure a fair and successful negotiation, I'd appreciate any insights on:

a) Reasonable base salary for my background: Considering my qualifications and experience, what would be a fair starting point for salary negotiations?

b) Standard benefits package: What essential benefits should I expect as part of a university associate professor position?

c) Effective negotiation strategies: Are there any recommended approaches to navigate salary and benefit discussions in the UAE academic setting?

Any advice from those with experience in UAE academic recruitment or negotiation would be immensely helpful. Thanks in advance!

@rbrtowens1 hi sir how are you my Muhammad riaz please contact me my number ***

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I'm working in UAE