Legal advice in Indonesia


I'm Australian living in Australia.

I purchased land in Indonesia “Sumba island”  $70,000 exact….  Owed by a Balinese but bought of an Irish man with Bali visa

I need legal advice, from  a lawyer whom is a Australian preferably living in Indonesia “Bali or Sumba”

Hey there, longtime permanent resident of Indonesia here. I'm not a lawyer but when this popped into my inbox I felt I had to say something in the hope that it helps.

I would first advise you to, if at all possible, reverse the charge/transfer/etc or in some other form or fashion attempt to get your money back. Foreigners are under no circumstances allowed to purchase land of any kind in Indonesia. There is also no 'Bali Visa' per se, you either have a temporary stay permit (KITAS) or permanent stay permit (KITAP) or come into the county on a tourist Visa.

The land is still legally owned by the Balinese person. The most foreigners can do in Indonesia is to lease land for a certain number of years.

I'm sorry to have to say this but this feels like a scam.


You really need a lawyer and fast! It seems to me it is an extremely tangled and complicated transaction based on prevailing Indonesian law that grants foreigners right t

o use but not right to ownership of land.

I'm Australian living in Australia.
I purchased land in Indonesia “Sumba island”  $70,000 exact….  Owed by a Balinese but bought of an Irish man with Bali visa
I need legal advice, from  a lawyer whom is a Australian preferably living in Indonesia “Bali or Sumba”


Unless you own a PT PMA, or the property is in the name of your Indonesian spouse, you don't need a lawyer.

Owning land is illegal and could be subject to consfication without compensation.

I have a possible solution.

It won't be cheap and I'll explain the drawbacks so you know exactly what you're getting into.