Insightful inputs on how to land a job/work permit

Thank you for having me on board. My name is Mr. Emmanuel Wilson-iteke (preferred name) from Nigeria. I am married with 2 kids. I am employed, working as a process operator in a leading food and  beverage manufacturing company (SBC) here in Nigeria.

Lately, I am seeking job opportunities overseas and Malta happens to have piqued my interest due to some positively insightful things I read about Malta, to this effect I am applying actively to job openings from companies in Malta. However, the challenge is that I need an employer in Malta willing to sponsor me on a Maltese work-permit and so far I haven't gotten any but I am staying hopeful though (smiles).

On the other hand, I am working with some local travel agents in my country (Nigeria) to obtain a 1 year work permit in Malta. So those are the two options I am exploring currently and I will keep you guys posted going forward.

I am open to welcome insightful inputs from the good people of this good forum. Thanks.

Hello Mr. Emmanuel Wilson-iteke

Welcome on board !

I would suggest that you read the articles of the Living in Malta guide for expats, specially those related to jobs to gather as much information as possible.

All the best

