Buying and Renting property

Hello, I live in Denmark for few yeas now, I am EU citizen and thinking of buying my own house. My plan is not to stay in DK forever so I have a question is it worth of buying house here? Is there any legal ways to rent a property if I leave Denmark?

Thank you for answers. ;)

Hi Januska777,

As a rule of thumb, you need to owe a property for at least five years before it pays to own. … l-property

If you live abroad, but owe a property in Denmark, the main rule is that you will still be taxable on your Danish  income


There are three ways to calculate the income. What's the very best is, depends on your personal circumstances. … ationering

Even if you and the tenant agree on a rent, be aware that the tenant afterwards can bring the amount of rent to the rent board (huslejenævnet). If Huslejenævnet finds the rent is too high, you have to pay back the rent with retroactive force. The rent doesn't depend on you expenses expenses on the house, but on the market rent.

There are also rules for how long time you can rent the house out and still be able to terminate the tenant. Otherwise, in most municipalities there are a residence requirement.


Thank you very much for a answer, Nellie 😊