Bringing my dog from New Zealand

@Julien a happy new year to you and all the members!

My husband will arrive in Qatar on the 25th of February from New Zealand, where he will be working for Qatar Airways.

The kids and I will join him once we have everything wrapped up here.

Qatar Airways has been great in offering support and information; however, I am getting conflicting information regarding taking our small dogs.

I am wondering whether anybody on the forum has imported their dogs from NEW ZEALAND specifically?

The veterinarian advised that is does not seem as if there is an agreement for exporting animals from New Zealand to Qatar and that we may have to import them via the UAE.

I would love to chat to anybody who has been through this process.

1f64f.svg Thanks, Lisa

Hello and welcome on board Lisa !

please note that I have created this new topic from your post on the Qatar forum so that members may share their insights with you.

All the best
