Health insurance options

Considering retirement in Belize but concern about health care.  I understand they do not accept medicare .  What are other options?



Till members guide you, I suggest that you read the following : Healthcare in Belize

Depending on your needs, you might go for a local health insurance or a private international health insurance. Feel free to order as many quotes as you need to compare tarifs and services.




That's more of a Google or Belizean government search don't you think.

This is a forum for opinions rather than factual hardcore information. If you want to rely on this basis consider it at risk if you would. Best regards


Cigna is popular, as well as RF&G here in Belize. They both have websites.

There are a few fairly new private hospitals and clinics throughout the country, offering  very good medical care. Public hospitals are hit and miss with services and resources.

Some people travel to Merida or Guatemala City for more complex issues. Hospitals are first rate and state of the art. Chetumal, just across the northern border and an easy drive or bus ride, also has some good hospitals.

Most prescription medication is available or can be brought in and some are available over the counter. For better prices, Chetumal is an option.

There are also some excellent dentists in Belize.