Christmas Fare PP

Hey there, does anyone know where I might grab some mince pies and / or a christmas pudding in Phnom Penh?

Not in a restaurant I want to buy some. I am pretty sure I saw some a few years back but I can't remember where and I haven't seen them last few years. Maybe they got Covided.

If anyone has any hard leads on pies and puds please let me know thanks :)


Have tried for several years to get real xmas cake and mince pies, every cake seems to be sponge and sickly icing, and mince pies never seen them, lucky supermarket seems to have UK items in store on UK promotions where they get them from I have no idea but it will be the big malls that may have them as they have quality street in the big round tins, go with a lot of dollors they are not cheap, good luck

Hey Ben_Gunn,

Your thread is now on the Phnom Penh forum.

This should help you get leads on pies and puds! 1f609.svg


Cheryl team


Thankyou Cheryl I hope maybe someone can give a clue for Christmas cake and pudding cheers

Thanks Cheryl, thanks Toni

I did see single mince pies for sale in Starbucks last year but since Starbucks Cambodia imagines it's Prada, the pies were about $40.

Maybe some of these small boutique bakeries will have some I will take a look up street 240 and report back. The hunt is on.

was that $40 for a mince pie, charity does not live at Christmas in Starbucks, lol.

$5 for a cup of mostly water is an indictment of the ridiculousness of what we get used to paying back in sunny UK. It's so expensive that here, an SB coffee is a luxury item it's why you get all the hi so hanging out there. Sad to see Khmer chasing Western culture now. They see it on TV, they want it, but they only need to look at UK and USA now to see where that road ends.

If it's any consolation, prior to Covid I staged a 1-man revolution against all that and nicked every packet of sugar in every Starbucks I went in, for several months. I had piles of it, I don't even use sugar. I took so much sugar they stopped putting it out across the whole of PP. They've only now just started putting the sugar out again. So if you ever couldn't find the sugar in SB here, yup that was me :)

Seems revenge is theirs, with their fupping $40 mince pies.


Agreed Ben Starbucks is just a rip of, but that's hospitality, you can get a great coffee corner of 19 & 136 street front of 24/7 for a dollar and sit and watch the crossroads vehical fiasco, there is the west here in all the new big gas guzzling  trucks, and now tiny little tuk tuk that you can't get yourself wife and a week's sopping in, unlike the old ones, what is sad is that all these new trucks and tuk tuk will need expensive parts to keep them going and mot inspections rules will come with the fines and removal if not complient , that will be a shock, but it's called progress, aspirations by khmers are to have a stable life, education, jobs, housing, and health care, that's what Khmer society votes for that's what has been building ever since the finish of the Khmer rouge, and with west's help and technology, and under Hun sens leadership great progress has been achieved and the prime minister Hun Manet will continue in building Cambodia to remain a stable progressive country for the people,

Let's hope all this progress brings some mince pies and Christmas pudding 1f44d.svg

In your dreams buddy, but you never know someone may be making them somewhere lol