Company registration in Uruguay regarding to get visa

Hi, I am Muiz from Pakistan. I am thinking to move to Uruguay.

I want to confirm if I register my company in Uruguay out of Uruguay then can this company Wil help me to get Business visa of Uruguay?


Hello Muizali867,

Thank you for asking your question here.

Hopefully, someone can enlighten you on this.

Since visa regulations can vary, you should consult with the local immigration authorities in Uruguay for accurate and up-to-date information on the specific requirements and benefits associated with company registration.

All the best,

Cheryl team

Hi Muiz, from what I understand you intend to move to Uruguay and want to establish an Offshore to get a work visa, the question is, whether to register this company inside Uruguay or abroad.

First of all, you need to register on an Uruguayan government website and get your [link moderated] ID ( Once this is done, you can start the residence application process over the internet, but why am I telling you this now? Because no one better than the Uruguayan government itself to explain to you the best way to do your migration process

Once you make this registration you will have access to the processes you can start, look for the "proceso de emigración" and then you will have access to all the required documentation, with this your research will be much more complete.

I know I didn't answer directly, but I hope I helped..