Acceptable Proof of Retirement Income for a Retirement Visa

Greetings All,

I am soon to be 52 years old and plan on retiring to Cambodia next March.  I use to work there about 15 years ago on the WRA providing EOD mentorship to CMAC.

I know that 55 years old is the official retirement age where proof of income is not required.  I won't start drawing my government pension until I turn 57, but do receive military disability.

What is the determined amount of money that would justify a retirement visa that the government wants to see at the age of 52, or how much funds in savings accounts would warrant a retirement visa?

Also, would a 1 way ticket be acceptable for a retirement visa or would I have to show an exit strategy upon arrival?

Thank you for any information provided,


@Eric Dotson

If you can prove your disability you will be considered retired.

You might need to also prove your disability income.

Take a one way ticket but also get a refundable cheap ticket out of Cambodia that you cancel after arrival, just to be on the safe side.




Thank you very much for the helpful information Joe!

@Eric Dotson

My pleasure.


so holding a cambodia retirement visa.   visa holders get the same rights as Cambodian residents?

right?  so i can apply for a thai type o retirement visa at the embassy in cambodia? right?