Divorce in Tunisia

hello my ex husband is Algerian he is living in europe somewhere he have said that he divorced me in tunisia where we got married  in 2016 an have said he did it 2 years go he have remarried as they do very quickly lol i put in for divorce in uk about 3 years go it is on going as he refuses to tell me his address or whatapp so i can send the papers and have said he wont give me untill i send him a copy off my son passport so he can come to uk what i have refused to do i have been with someone know for while and want to remarry but im not sure how to get the number to the office in tunis so i can check myself if i am still married to him as i dont believe  a word he have said that he have divorced me as i been fighting this for long time an now he telling my brother that he have divorce me but wen ask for paper he said he aint got them 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ so any help at this point would be appreciated

@Mia Powell HI hun,  unfortunately you do not get served with divorce papers .i had yhe same problem. i finally got my divorce papers with the help from a court translator.would you like me to send you his details .

  • @Mia Powell when i tried to get divorced in the uk.many legal advisors told me it would have to be done in tunisa.lukily my ex had divorced me .it was just a question if getting my divorce papers from tunisia and translatd.luckily i have them now.as i want to get remarried .the regsitra has cleared my papers and they are legit.let me knoe if you need any help

@Mia Powell As a law firm in Tunisia, we usually must review the marriage contract and have the identity of the parties to the contract and the nationalities of their countries of origin to verify this matter.

@laurasprout9 could you send me his details plz i would be most greatfull [link moderated] my name is linda  my ex keeps asking for my birth certificate to get divorced

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