Second hand cheap TV/monitors in Istanbul

Hi all,

Visiting Istanbul, my room has a TV but a really old one without HDMI. For work and leisure purposes, I do need something with HDMI, so can anyone who knows Istanbul well point we towards the best places to get cheap second hand no nonsense small TV's or monitors. Doesn't have to be flashy or big, even a smallish one will do, just needs HDMI. Tried Facebook groups, no luck just yet.

Can anyone help me with these:

* Any second hand shops/stalls/markets that sell TV's/monitors

* Does Turkey have an equivalent to Gumtree - second hand ads website

* Any computer shops that might have second hand monitors.

Any places someone can recommend preferably on the European side would be appreciated

Thanks all,


I use a portable monitor that can be powered from a laptop. Very easy to carry and has a nice picture.

If you want cheap and simple, this may do the trick.

Try mail order in your country. … t156-black