Video and mp3 download

Hello! I am editing videos for my YouTube channel by downloading and converting videos in MP3 and MP4 formats. I can't find a good website for downloading. Either the download is very slow, the website is overwhelmed with ads, or there are errors during downloading – sometimes it doesn't work at all. Especially downloading copyrighted videos is very difficult. I want to download videos not only from YouTube but also from other platforms, and I don't want to deal with this separately. Even though I use a download manager, it doesn't download all the videos and errors occur. Do you know of one or more reliable websites that fulfill all these requirements? Thank you in advance!


There are several Android apps on app store

Job done

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Irs not a browser plugin, but I use downloader2 for just about everything, including YT, mega and Google drive. It doesn't seem to work with Bilibili though. If you're using a Mac, the popular tool is Downie.

@Fred There isn't a single site or application that can download videos from multiple platforms. You have to deal with each video or audio separately on each platform. That's why I'm curious if there is one single site or application that can do it, rather than using 4-5 different ones.

@margheritaerdmann i will check it thanks for answer

Irs not a browser plugin, but I use downloader2 for just about everything, including YT, mega and Google drive. It doesn't seem to work with Bilibili though. If you're using a Mac, the popular tool is Downie.

I meant jdownloader2. Darn autocorrect!

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