British Woman Marrying Moroccan Man

Hi, I have a question that has caused me some confusion. I do not belong to any religion at all.  I read that a Moroccan man can marry a Christian or Jew.  Which has left me worried that actually we won't be able to marry because I have no faith at all. Is this the case?

Hello, I am not Moroccan but you have many Moroccan Jews. You can marry without fear amicably

@partont32 Hi thanks for your reply.  I am not Jewish - I have no religious faith at all. Does the fact that I am not religious pose a problem?

They wll ask you for a document from your faith. that's what they asked my friend.

@SJAS85 best advice I can give u, pls give try about Islam probably you like it, it doesn't means you have to practice Islam and change everything immediately, you can take ur own time to learn and slowly adpot. But just accepting for now will love problems for u and open number of opportunity and most importantly I am pretty sure it will make u feel happy

@Shaik azeez39 hi, thanks for your reply. I already agreed he can teach me and I promise that I will learn but it's important that he doesn't expect me to convert. And I won't do it just to be married either. If I want to do that eventually it has to be because I truly want to. That doesn't mean I'm not open to it, I am I just don't know enough right now. He is happy for me to decide in my own time even if I choose to not.

@Lysa Drew hi, thanks for replying. Which faith was your friend?

It's not important at all, what faith yiu hold if your fiancé is ok with it and muslim man can marry any faith ior non faith its only a morrocan woman who must not marry outside of her faith , im not 💯 but pretty sure replax and congratulations

If your fiancé accepts its holds no problem at all

@dwlaw324 hi thanks for this and thank you for the congratulations


I believe you should talk about this with your fiancé and see what he thinks about this.

You can also get marry out of Morocco.

It depends how is him, his family, etc...

Sound to me what you want to do about learning slowly and troughful is the best way to go

Nice to read you. Take care

@Silvina White hi thank you. Yes we have talked about it and he thinks it won't be a problem. His family are wonderful and are happy with this.

@SJAS85 Hi dear, Welcom here ,actually if he is a muslim you need to have faith on God (Ahl el kitab) so you can get married

@SJAS85 I really appreciate your decision to read about Islam and make some researches about for you not just to get married , In Islam we have to have Niya which means your purpuse should be the satisfacation of Allah ,to be convinced ,it's not a game or acting . You welcom for any question

@dwlaw324 actually you are wrong. A muslim man can either marry a muslim, Christian or Jewish woman. These are the only accepting, he cant marry a woman of no faith, atheism, agnostic sheikh or Hindu, this is stated in the religion and as morocco is a muslim country they won't allow a man to marry a woman who has no faith, if she states that she is in fact a woman who does NOT believe in God.

@SJAS85 My friend is Christian.

Before I met Amine I was Christian, after visiting the family and experiencing the faith up close, reading the Quran, I ended up converting 2 months later back home.

A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man and a Muslim man can only marry a woman of the book. Muslim,                        Jewish or Christian.

Good luck, there are some groups on facebook you should probably check out.

@SJAS85 Hello. You asked so my opinion is..

Find you another person with no religion. No one is a Saint, but Moroccan people are generally religious. They are not radical, but they are true to their faith. On the other side of that coin, he may desire to go to your country. Though work can be hard to find sometimes (in Morocco), many people do not realize how great Morocco is. For this, many feel that leaving would be a better option until they are in the other country for a bit. If he asked you to marry him before you knew him well then you already know what the deal is.  😉

The ultimate decision is yours of course, but you should stand for some type of faith or you will fall for anything. Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

@SJAS85 I will just say, they didn't ask me for any proof about religion when I married my Moroccan husband.


For the purpose of marrying in Morocco you must provide a faith statement and get it notarized in Morocco. How you practice your spirituality outside of that paper is between you and no one else. You can't marry in Morocco without it. Morally, it's up to your partner to accept your practice but for the sole purpose of marrying in Morocco you have to provide a statement with religion as you described. Otherwise, they won't marry you.

@JEA333 thank you for this information. This is the conclusion I've come to that potentially I'll be asked about my faith and I don't want to lie. Perhaps we get married here or we wait a bit longer.

@Capoppy55 hi, yes, I'm thinking maybe it will depend on which city you get married in?

@Assah64 Hi, thank you for your reply.

Why would I need to find another partner? Yes, he would like me to convert to Islam and he wants to teach me but he has reassured me that if I don't that it's okay as long as I respect his belief and Islam. As I said I will learn and of course I will always respect his beliefs and culture. Until I learn about Islam I do not know if it will be for me. I can't promise to believe in something I do not know about yet. Well I understand your concerns about the desire for another country and a Visa. He hasn't been here yet I travel to Morocco. He will be coming here for a stay soon but ultimately he enjoys his work and he loves his own country and his family so there is no plan for him to be here here. We know each other as well as one can when conducting a long distance relationship but I am fortunate that I am able to travel regularly and my work can be done from anywhere so we have spent a lot of time together and know each other very well. There is no rush to get married, he would like it sooner but that just isn't something I will do and he is fine with it. I am simply researching so that when we do I am prepared. I hope this makes sense.

@Lysa Drew Thank you for this information. This is what I thought would be needed.

@Sarra65 Hi, thank you for this information. This was what I have read too. I guess we will have to change plans.

@nidalisaida608 hi, thank you for your reply and the information. Yes, this was my worry that it would be required. I won't lie. We will have to change our plans or wait until I decide (when he teaches me) whether I want to embrace Islam.

@SJAS85 A Muslim man can marry a woman from any religion (including a non faith person), a woman Muslim no.

One should start with asking himself why such a difference ?

More importantly, Islam is the unique source of law for Muslims to manage the family and rise up children. So it matters a lot that you know what this law says. As your future husband will apply it, for sure.

FYI: the prophet of Muslims had married 11 women in total, 4 in parallel (is allowed in Islam), one on them was only 13 (11 or 9 as a fiancee) !

Love is a good feeling but it's not what rules a relation especially in case of conflict.

@SJAS85 keep one thing in mind. And every born Muslim woman would tell you that if you revert to islam for man you are doing a big mistake. Never do it for anyone else but only you. And only if you feel it is right decision for you.

@Popolushka hi thank you for your reply. I would only convert if it feels right for me and I want to. It wouldn't be for him or for marriage

@SJAS85 then invest into quoran. Some Muslim men interpret Islam way it suits them. Get quoran with explanation.


Best reply!  Show them what religion you were born into and that's that!  That's applies to the authorities for legal reasons.  You're not marrying the religion, but a person, who might not even be a practicing ‘anything',  but showing for family.

So, unless he's a villager - forget it! If educated and tolerant, marry. 

@RR@ hi thank you, he isn't a villager and he is educated. I wasn't born into any religion.

Ok.  Best to marry & stay put in UK or Western countries then.  Otherwise you'll have ridiculous  problems with inheritance, children, marriage recognition & the list goes on!


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@SJAS85 GOD bless you and my sympathies with you

@SJAS85 hopefully you and your fiance will find a solution that works best for you. I don't know how long you have known each other, but I encourage you to ask direct questions about the expectations he may have for your future. My husband and I are both muslim but still have different views on a lot of things that affect how we navigate our relationship and our family considering he is from Morocco and I'm from the US.

While all of these questions won't apply to your situation, I recommend looking through them. You might be surprised at how you may be different or similar on a lot of topics you haven't thought to discuss. … g-married/

I wish you well.

The bride must belong to one of the monotheistic religions to marry within Morocco.

A Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or a Jew because all three religions are monotheistic and believe in the God of Abraham (PBUH), whether he is called, God, Hallelujah, Jehovah, Eloh, Dieu, Allah, or by any other name mankind calls him by in his or her own language. HE is the (same) God of Adam (PBUH) through to Muhammad (SAW)

@infomovarts  Muslims are NOT allowed to marry kafirs (non believing people) because it creates conflict in almost every part of their married life. Please study the Qur'an before you put comments like these in a public forum.

You also seem to be misguided as to when and why a Muslim man is allowed to marry more than one female.

@the bride: It would help to research facts beforehand instead of being led blindly. May God make your path easy.

I'd say, if you can get married in the UK. If not you cannot get married with no faith. Either convert to Islam, which you mentioned you don't want to. Attest to another Abrahamic faith. My suggestion marry in UK. If he lives in Morocco, it's still easier for him to get a visitor visa and get married in UK than it is for you to go through the entire process of nonsense they put you through in Morocco. It's honestly a joke how long it takes to get an Imam to give the go ahead. This was as a male foreigner, might be easier as a female foreigner, talk to a marriage imam who can do it. He'll give better guidance on what he needs.

@SJAS85 Have you discussed with your partner if you were to have kids with him and you remain non-muslim, what religion they would follow?

@notabarista why do you think that's important in Moroccan society? The reality is that the vast majority of  the people in Morocco do not practice or faithful to a religion. Peoples religions or their kids is their business not ours to discuss or make a big deal out of it. Moroccan society is diverse and people are free to who they want to be while respecting others.