Job opportunity in Sweden

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I am a Chinese graduate student currently completing both my BSc and MSc degrees in the United Kingdom. I am very interested in pursuing a career in product design and have set my sights on Sweden. I am reaching out to this forum in the hopes of seeking your advice and assistance regarding my job search.

Firstly, I would like to know how I can find job opportunities in Sweden that do not require Swedish but instead prioritize English-speaking abilities. I will start to study Swedish after I settle down.

Secondly, as a graduate student, I would appreciate any tips or suggestions on how to navigate the job market in Sweden, such as specific platforms, job boards, or recruitment agencies?

Additionally, I am curious about the criteria and procedures for obtaining a work permit visa in Sweden.

I would be extremely grateful for any guidance or advice you could offer. Thank you in advance for your time and support!

With regards

Hello MuxinMoon,

Welcome on board !

Till members guide you, I would suggest that you read the articles of the Living in Sweden guide for expats to gather as much information as possible.

All the best
