Life and work in australia

hello everyone

i always loved australia from what i have seen but never been there

id love to work there for some time but i dont know anything about rules, permises, burocracy etc etc .

im also new to expat so still trying to get familiarity with this

if anyone has any useful tips please let me know

regards :)

Hello Solomon11,

Welcome on board !

You can easily explore your visa options on the following website : … isa-finder

The Living in Australia guide for expats is here to provide you all first-hand infos as well.

In which region are you looking forward to moving ?



@Bhavna hello :) and thanks for taking your time to help me , appreciated

I don't know anything about regions I've been reading a lot for ages now but I'm still sceptical

none of those I know have been there :(

I will keep on reading the forum but the link given is really hard to comprehend

I'm not about those matter is laws

I tried to go to their embassy in London but I wasn't helped at all

thanks :)

As an EU national, you have more options for visas. A good option is the seasonal worker/working holiday visa to get a feel of the country.

I would suggest you provide some info on the job you are looking for.

