Headlines: Headless Body in Topless Bar

The title of this thread is from the iconic

1983 headline that appeared in the

tabloid newspaper The New York Post

the day after a gruesome event occurred

at an NYC strip joint.

This new thread invites members of Expat.com

to post modern-day headlines they see online

or in publications .. that are funny, ironic,

strange, outrageous, dubious or pathetic.

Headlines may include so-called clickbait

from published headlines that are designed

to draw reader interest in spite of the fact

that the headline is way overblown and

not substantiated by the ensuing text.

Your favorite vintage headlines are welcome too.

Please include the source of the headline

or where it was seen.


Today's news headline least likely to inspire readers

to continue on to the body copy...

US: Tangible progress

in Armenia-Azerbaijan peace talks

    -- Associated Press

Vintage headline...

Self-proclaimed invisible man

a no-show at court hearing

  -- The Daily Herald

Vintage headline...

Iceberg lettuce hit by titanic rise in price

-- The Sunday Times of London

Clickbait headline (reports of Graham's death

are exaggerated)...

Lindsey Graham found dead

-- Christo Aivalis (a leading clickbait artist,

   on his YouTube channel)


By all means.

Fire away!

  -- cccmedia

A tedious headline.

The early 202: Debt doom looms

        -- The Washington Post

OMG, this headline could have appeared any day

for the past two months.  Another predictable

warning about the so-called debt ceiling that

predictably will be resolved in the brink of time

around June 1st.

(202) is the Washington, D.C., area code.

Another snoozer today...

Biden, McConnell call meeting

"productive," But Reach

No Agreement

  -- The New York Times

Headline writers overuse 'productive' for such

closed-door-meetings stories, a word

that is meaningless other than giving such

writers an obvious if empty headline.

Crime drops in Cuenca

and police credit citizen brigades

and warnings to thieves for the trend

   -- Cuenca, Ecuador, HighLife website

Oh, sure, it was the police-posted warning signs telling criminals

they'd be in trouble if they committed new crimes.

Ah, if it was only that simple!

My husband drove erratically,

claims to not remember it

and then took my dog.

-- Reddit headline for a post about an incident

in Massachusetts.

The headline seems humorous, although the

woman's story is harrowing. Her husband

lost it and almost forced her to exit the

vehicle while he gunned the motor.

Personification? Mixed metaphor?

City coffers see rainy days

-- this week in The Forum (Fargo, ND-Moorhead, MN),

   page 1 above the fold in Wednesday's print edition

The headline writer uses the headline jargon word

coffers as if a coffer (strongbox of organization's

financial reserves) had eyeballs. The story compares

the opinions of local elected officials about budget


Probe, find, hit and rap are other words

that headline writers have historically fallen

back on -- short, concise verbs that imply action

or revelation.


The most famous Hollywood-news headline

of all time was probably what Variety printed

in 1935...

Hix Nix Stik Flicks

The playful headline topped an article about

how rural USA residents were not flocking

to movies depicting rural life. Hix is a deliberate

mis-spelling of hicks or rural persons. Stik refers to

"the sticks," meaning low-population rural

places. Nix is slang for no or "say no to."


An historically important headline appeared in

the New York Daily News when US President

Gerald Ford denied a federal bailout to

New York City during its fiscal crisis of 1975.

Ford to New York: Drop Dead

Although Ford eventually approved funds to

assist the city's comeback, this header is widely

viewed as having damaged the president's

reputation in the Big Apple in the 1976

presidential election.

Jimmy Carter defeated Ford in New York with

New York City going to Carter with 67 percent,

as he scored all the state's electoral votes.

This was pivotal in the close national election

and an example of a local headline writer

impacting national news.

Carter won the electoral college, 297 to 240.

Ford would have won the election had the

41 New York State electors swung to his column.

Ford's other problem in '76 was the backlash

to his decision to pardon ex-president Nixon

who had resigned amid Watergate disgrace

in 1974.

Aaron Rodgers fires back at

Sean Payton for his criticism

of Nathaniel Hackett.

-- The Washington Post

Who cares what these NFL figures think about

criticism of offensive co-oordinator Hackett!!

An offensive co-ordinator!


Reminds one about Alan Iverson's outrage

over what happened at a practice session..

"We're talkin' 'bout practice!"


In just about one month the 2023 NFL season

is scheduled to begin.


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