How to register a company ?

Hi , Can anyone guide me to register the company and get a residence?

Hello Lashkarimehdi,

Welcome on board !

Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Montenegro forum so that members can guide you.

In what field do you want to do business or register a business ?

All the very best


@lashkarimehdi You can do it by yourself, but without the serbian language, it will be really difficult, we did it with with profesional team to be sure that it will be well done.

@Bhavna Thanks, I have been working in Iran and Turkey as a tour manager and tourist company manager for 17 years.

@Louise3313 If you know a team, please introduce it, and how much does it cost?

knjigovodja dot me website is offering

You can contact them on ***

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We can help.

To register a company, you need just a passport.

Documents for obtaining a residence permit depend on nationality - sometimes the Apostille is necessary.

The last problem is opening a bank account but not big.