No salary oman for 5months

Hi my name is noel 

I work at a restaurant in garden's mall

My contract will finish next month April 16 2023 next month

I haven't received salary for 5 months

Yet we are making sales and business is booming,

2 of my friend's contract ended this month and they sent them home without any money saying they will send their pending 5months salary when the business has money

Please what do I do , now that my contract ends next month that will make it 6 months no salary not even 1 riyal

Sorry to hear this

Go to Ministry of labour and report a complaint. Take your bank account statement to prove the last salary or any evidence supporting last salary. Ministry of labour will force them to pay. By completing your 2 years contract you can go home and them come to new company without need for NOC letter.

@Ph. Mahm

Dear Sir,

I am a doctor recently joined before 6 months to a private clinic in Oman. I have not received a single month of full payment of my promised salary. Till now I have had been receiving only fractions of the salary and the last 2 months completely no salary as the Directer gives various reasons to say the Clinic is bankrupt.

I would like to know

1.Is it possible to get NOC legally?

2.Can the Ministry of labor help me get my arrears and NOC? , since this clinic has been keeping everyone on arrears for many years, it is of no use continuing to work here.

3.What are the options that I have if they deny the NOC?

Presently I am with my family and children stranded alone without a proper salary or savings, so please do share your experience as it could be a eye opener to me.

God Bless you !!


Sorry to hear this dr.

Go to Ministry of labour and report a complaint. Firstly make sure they upload your contract in ministry of labour.

Take your bank account statement to prove the money you got from them or any evidence supporting this.

Ministry of labour will force them to pay or you can negotiate with them to give you NOC letter instead 1 or 2 months salary.

@Ph. Mahm Thanks a lot for your kind response.

  1. Is there any maximum amount of months that  a employer can wait without paying the salary.

Because some say they can wait without paying for maximum 3 months?

2. Can Ministry of labor actually force them to give NOC legally?

3.Can they convince the ministry saying that the paid some percentage of the salary? ( like paying half salary) or that their company is financially struggling now.

The salary in my offer letter is 1200 but in my work contract which I got to see after 2 months( they purposely delayed showing me,even though I asked many times)  is 1050 OMR.

So which is the legally valid one?

Can I complain this also? because they have not consented me before changing my salary?

@Ph. Mahm thank you so much sir

@Ph. Mahm

Hi sir

Thank so for your reply it's very much appreciated one last question please

I wrote about how my company owes 5 months salary not paid till date

so my contract ended yesterday but my manager says I should go home and the company will send the 6 month pending salary, plus end of year gratuity when they have money at some future date

Can u please advice me on how to go through all these they only thing they are willing to do is pay return ticket. Thanks

Dear @Noel @ lakmalchandana90,

I suggest you should file your complaint to Labour Ministry through the following means:

1) . E-service Portal - Manpower Website: … plaintlist

2). Call Center: Call 800 77 000

3). Nearest Sanad Offices

Hope it helps.


@Asif_Hassan You made it so easy brother. May god bless you..!

@Asif_Hassan thank you sir

Hie, my name is hardik sheth i am an indian national i am working in a restaurant in azaiba as a manager. My employer did not paid me 5 months salary and on 21st of july he told me to sit at company's Accommodation i have asked the reason my employer told me that he can not afford my salary for coming months and company is going to close. Now its been almost 15 days i am siting ideally in Accommodation. I have texted him today to please release my full settlement then he started to threaten me and saying he already terminated me 3 months ago. I do not recieved any official letter for termination and i did not recieved any mail so far. I am so scared now kindly please help what can i do i have my bank statements with me. Please help.!

I have been in Oman for 8 days now. The company which hired me made me work for 5 days straight and I haven't even received a single offer letter or employment contract. I want to leave this company and return to my home country but this company has taken hold of my passport and visa and is telling me to pay money of around 1300 OMR if I want my passport back and resign. I am new here and don't know what to do. Please help.


Bro, Good day!

sorry to hear about that.  please, what is the situation like now because I'm planning to leave Nigeria to oman next month. what kind of job does the company do and is this a conventional routine in oman?

Company is deducting my salary since november 23 and not giving commission as mentioned in my offer letter now I am leaving the company and they are trying to deduct from my end of service also what I need to do.

And if they will not give my full amount and ask to sign a settlement paper so can I file a case after signing it or not. 

My company asked me to give resignation intead of they terminates me and I got salary deduction unnecessarily.

kindly reply
