Meet Ups: New in Addis, seeking persons to connect with aroound


I am new here from Kenya living in Addisababa. Lets connect so that i can feel the warmth of the city...Guide on best meetup places, joints, coffee places etc...



Hello Ezekiel,

I am a traders with Ethiopia (my web site [link moderated].)

I give you the number of my partner in Addis Abeba.

He know very well Addis, cultural or religious places, and also where to listen the best Ethio Jazz

His name is Achenafi , his mobil phone number is *****

this is the second answer, i dont kow if you get the first mail.

Have a nice day


Moderated by Mickael last year
Reason : Do not publish your public data here. You can do it in private message.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

@Bill2023 *****

Moderated by Mickael last year
Reason : Do not publish your public data here. You can do it in private message.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

@Pascal Mawuli Mace hey

Hello Ezekiel,

I am a traders with Ethiopia (my web site [link under review].)
I give you the number of my partner in Addis Abeba.
He know very well Addis, cultural or religious places, and also where to listen the best Ethio Jazz
His name is Achenafi , his mobil phone number is 09 62 36 38 27.
this is the second answer, i dont kow if you get the first mail.

Have a nice day
-@Pascal Mawuli Mace

Hello pascal

@Bill2023 hello dear i am also here to help anyone who seeks information about Addis Ababa ,Ethiopia