New Brit in Khobar

Hey Everyone,

Recently moved to Khobar from London, England.

I enjoy outdoor sports such as tennis and football and would love to get involved in water sports such as diving if it's possible or in Bahrain.

I've also lived in Europe and Asia.

I am looking to connect with other expats here to learn more about Khobar and find out if there are any expat activities or groups i can join!

Thanks for reading,


Hello Brit.6,

Welcome to the Saudi Arabia forum!

I hope that you will be able to make some lovely connections here.1f60e.svg


Yoginee team

Thanks Yoginee,

Can you recommend any good meet-up groups or expat activities here?


Hi , my friend from Holland will be moving there to Al Khobar next month.

and i shall be visiting in Dec.

maybe can find a way to connect?!

anychance i might be able to pick your brain on … are there any private beach that you are aware of which allow male and female ?
