Best places to rent east-side?

Hi everyone,

I have just moved to Mauritius to begin a new job and I'm excited to discover the island and meet new friends here :)

I'm from the UK and have relocated from Dubai on my own, I'm in my 40s. I will be working in the East (Beau Champ)  I'm active,  love nature and being outdoors... saying that I don't want to wind up somewhere super isolated or closed off and so proximity to community, cafes, amenities etc etc is important to me.

I  prefer not to drive too too far to work each day either. Roches Noires, Azuri, Trou D'Eau Douce , Belle Mare? Anyone know and live in these spots and can offer any insight?

Your advice & experiences gratefully received...

Thank you thank you :)

@ellen_d we moved from Dubai in November. If you want an easy sense of community I would say Azuri. We did not like the cookie cutter feel of Azuri after so much of that in Dubai. We live in Poste Lafayette and love it but it is quiet…

Hi Ash, thanks for taking time to share your experience, I hear you!

Doesn't sound like what I'm after either.

I'll check out PL for sure :)

Hi, I don't live over there but just came back from vacation, driving around the whole island, my feeling is that you will be in the wrong side of the island for all that you need! for outdoors&nature it will be great but for all the rest it will be difficult... hoping I'm wrong! 1f609.svg

if you are active and as alone also , to meet people, have access to more activities and places to go out, i woud say it is better ti live in north...