Someone from South/ Central America

Hi all!

Is someone on this forum, who just recently (past 1-2 years) come/ lives in Hungary - Budapest and come from (originally - means cultural + language/ dialect/ accent) South/ Central America?

Especially Argentina, Columbia, Mexico.

I would like to have some cultural/ language exchange with someone from that region who is interested in Hungarian language (I am a native speaker), and East European culture.

Hello sjbabilon5,

I hope someone reaches out soon. Feel free to drop an advert in the Budapest classifieds under the Language Exchange section, we will be glad to give your ad a boost.

All the best


Hello sjbabilon5,
I hope someone reaches out soon. Feel free to drop an advert in the Budapest classifieds under the Language Exchange section, we will be glad to give your ad a boost.

All the best



Probably the problem is still in my side, but I find no "Language Exchange section" in classfields.

What is still there are the old ones: classes, includes language classes - so for money businesses.

Anno tried classfields in a similar: for free/ no money included way (but that time with Russians): it simply did not appeared at all.

But untill now it seems there are not many people from that region/ who have interest for the exchange based on forum topic activity and no PM at all in this regard. … t/add.html  > community > Language exchange

If that can help


Yes that did. Submitted.

Thank you!