I want to buy a house in UK Edinburgh

I am shifting to UK Edinburgh from the USA and I want to buy a house and I don't know much about the UK so suggest to me, good agents.

I am shifting to UK Edinburgh from the USA and I want to buy a house and I don't know much about the UK so suggest to me, good agents.
-@johan carter

You already have one ... https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 43#5532750

Why do I smell a one post wonder coming along and recommending the same spammer estate agent as before?

I am shifting to UK Edinburgh from the USA and I want to buy a house and I don't know much about the UK so suggest to me, good agents.
-@johan carter

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Unless you have a lot of money and are going to pay cash, you need to consider financing and your UK credit rating.  Assuming you have neither, you will be renting somewhere for at least the first 6 months until you can get the finance together (Airbnb?).  The majority of people use either a bank or building society to finance their house purchases, so the first thing is to consider these and who to use; the choice is wide.

House prices are volatile and the prices are crazy at the moment; nobody is going to reserve a property until you get here, so my advice is to use a short-term rental, and then start to look.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team

@johan carter Hi Johan. Clyde property are great. They've got a wide range of houses across Scotland so they'll not only spoil you for choice but give you a great deal too.

I am confused between four websites mcewanfraserlegal, umega, coultersproperty, and vmh what do you think guys which one is better?

I would avoid umega.

I am confused between four websites mcewanfraserlegal, umega, coultersproperty, and vmh what do you think guys which one is better?
-@johan carter

You go around and find a house in the area you like, it doesn't matter what the estate agent is.

I have to question your post as you have posted in the past with the obsession of Umega!

I am shifting to UK Edinburgh from the USA and I want to buy a house and I don't know much about the UK so suggest to me, good agents.
-@johan carter

I have to question your post as you have posted in the past with the obsession of Umega!

https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 43#5532750

I want to rent my house It has 3 rooms and one 1 big hall so suggest me good agents.

Doesn't know much about the UK and wants to rent a house, but has a house in the UK he wants to rent out

Then we come to a mention of an estate agent already banned several times for spamming.

@johan carter


If you are still searching, I can suggest Buyers Market Edinburgh. I'm not sure of website address but if you google Buyers Market Edinburgh you will find them. They are new and only operating in Edinburgh so you get Edinburgh targeted attention. I signed up to their concept and found their communication excellent.